Functional Setup
Manager Overview
Getting started in Oracle Fusion Application
Overview of Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager
Overview of the Functional Setup Manager
Implementation Over
Browsing and configuring offerings
Overview of
Common Applications Configuration
Defining enterprise structure
Configuring enterprise structure overview
Defining geographies
Defining legal jurisdictions and authorities
Managing legal entities
Managing legal reporting units
Managing business units
Fusion General Ledger
Defining chart of accounts components
Sharing ledger components across oracle applications
Accounting configuration prerequisites
Creating chart of accounts
Building the chart of accounts structure
Defining segment values
Assigning segment attributes
Define Value
Sets and Values
Validation and value sets
Assigning segment labels
Creating chart of accounts structure
Chart of account instance
Hierarchies: Overview
Create account hierarchies
Maintain segment value attributes
Deploy flexfields
Enabling account combinations
Manage segment value attributes
Defining segment value security rules
Accounting Periods
Adding calendar year
Auditing calendar
Currencies Overview
Currencies overview
Conversion rate types overview
Explain cross rates rules
Daily rates overview
Define ledgers and ledger components
Manage primary ledger
Managing reporting currencies
Reporting currencies conversion levels
Define secondary ledgers
Secondary ledger mapping
Balance cubes overview
Balance cube dimensions
Manage ledger sets
Period Close
Period close checklist
Journal import verification process
Historical rates
Foreign currency translation
Consolidating ledgers
Performing account inquiry
Creating allocations rules sets and components
Journal allocations requirements
Step down allocation example
Journal allocations concepts
Journal allocations – Best practices
and Transactions
Revaluation and transaction setup
Revaluation overview
Revaluation example
Transaction overview
Financial reporting and analysis
Multi-dimensional analysis on live date
Help with completing hands on exercise
Define business unit
Supplier configuration
Supplier lookups and business classifications
Define common options for payables and procurement
Manage payables lookups
Document sequence
Invoice holds and releases
Define payment methods
Overview of payables approval
Invoice Transactions
Create suppliers
Create invoices online – Explain PO matching and direct invoices
Create invoice through spreadsheet
Configure payment system
Manage payment formats (BI Template and configuration)
Payment process profile
Bank account configuration
Payment system options
Payment Processing
Quick payment
Execute payment batch
Period Close
Create accounting
AP to GL reconciliation
Payables period close checklist
Payables period close
Basics of payables reporting through OTBI – Explain subject areas
Order to
Cash Lifecycle Overview
Order to cash overview
Integration with other applications
Business unit positioning in order to cash flow
parties and Customer Accounts
Party model and features
Profile classes
Customer entry methods
Process Invoices
Overview of invoice configuration
Overview of auto invoice process
Overview of invoice process
Process Receipts
Overview of receipts setup
Overview of receipt process
Receipt entry method
Types of receipts
Overview view of Lock Boxes
Overview of Automatic Receipts
Receivable Reporting
Overview of Standard Reports
Overview of Adhoc Reporting using OTBI
Overview of BU Publisher
Oracle Cash Management
Describe key feature of Oracle Cash Management
Key concepts of bank account model
Key concepts of reconciling bank statement cash management configuration
Bank master maintenance
Bank statement transaction codes
Bank statement reconciliation rules
Cash Management Integration
with Other Application Managing Bank Statements
Enter and import bank statements
Bank statement open interface
Reviewing and correcting bank statement errors managing bank
Overview of bank reconciliation
Auto reconciliation matching
Manual reconciliation matching
Cash management reporting
Asset Overview
Fusion assets overview
Assets configurations
Fusion Asset Configuration
Managing asset key flex fields
System controls
Managing fiscal years and calendars
Managing asset books
Managing asset categories
Asset Additions
Manual asset additions
Mass asset additions
CIP asset additions
Asset adjustments
Depreciation rules
Depreciation methods
Managing depreciation
Asset retirements
Asset reinstatements
Asset Reporting
Tax books
Tax book concept
Setting up a tax book
Managing tax books