E-Business Essentials for Implementers: Overview
Course purpose
More help about documentation and other resources
OU courses
in Oracle Applications
Logging into and logging off from Oracle Applications
Accessing Responsibilities
Using forms & menus
Data Flow Across Oracle Applications
Entering data using forms
Retrieving, Editing and Deleting records
Accessing Online Help
Running reports and programs
to Oracle Applications
Introduction to R12.1 Footprint
Benefits of R12.1 Footprint
R12.1 E-Business Suite Architecture
Basic Technical Architecture
Overview of Oracle file system and directories
Brief Overview/Introduction about Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
of System Administration
Application Security Overview
Function Security
Data Security
Profile Options
Standard request submission (SRS)
of Flexfields
Basics of Flexfields
Define Value sets
Define Key Flexfields
Define Descriptive Flexfields
Planning Decisions
Entities and Integration
Shared entities and non-key shared entities
Overview of E-Business Suite business flows and integration
of Multiple-Organization and Multiple-Organization Access Control (MOAC)
Introduction to Multiple-Organization and Multiple- Organization Access
control (MOAC)
Types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org model
Multiple-Organization Access Control Setup and Process
Reporting across entities
Key Implementation considerations
of Oracle Workflow & Alerts
Overview of Workflow
Oracle Workflow Home Pages
Worklist WebPages
Workflow Monitor WebPages
Overview of Alerts
Difference between Workflow & Alerts
Oracle HRMS
Overview of
People Management
Understanding people management components
Identifying the different workers in your enterprise
Defining people
Describing person types
Describing the key workforce concepts in Oracle HRMS
Identifying components of the assignment
Using assignments
Defining workforce relationships
to Recording People Information
Recognizing the different interfaces for which you can enter and
maintain people information
Recognizing Self-Service HR capabilities
Understanding how to represent your workforce using Oracle HRMS
Recording people information
Using Windows and Templates
Using Employee SSHR
Using Manager SSHR
Set Up
People Information
Defining person types
Understanding system and user person types
Identifying assignment statuses
Defining contract information
Defining user assignment statuses
Identifying contracts
Creating contracts
Defining additional information
Identifying collective agreements
Defining collective agreements
Defining entitlement items
Defining derived factors
Defining eligibility profiles
Using collective agreements
Processing collective agreements
People Information
Understanding the hiring process
Hiring a new person
Placing a contingent worker
Entering personal information
Entering statutory information
Assignment Information
Entering assignment information
Entering supervisor Information
Entering payroll information
Entering information for statutory reports
Maintaining multiple assignment
Entering contract information
Entering contingent worker assignment information
Maintaining personal and assignment information
Entering information for additional assignments
Changing and ending primary assignments
Viewing and updating personal and professional information in SSHR
Promoting and transferring a person
Describing disability information
Maintaining multiple assignments
Managing people over time
Schedules and Availability
HRMS and CAC Integrated Availability Features
Managing availability
Recording schedule information
Defining schedules
Defining calendar events
Transfers and Secondments
Describing transfers and secondments
Deploying proposals
Initiating permanent transfers
Updating deployment proposals
Completing initial setup of employee records
Initiating temporary secondments
and Analyzing Workforce Information
Using Standard Reports
Using Statutory Reports
Using Discoverer Reports
Using HRMSi Reports
Using HRMSi Reports for Daily Business Intelligence
Ending assignments
Ending secondary assignments
Terminating assignments
Terminating employment
Ending contingent worker placements
or Rehiring
Cancelling terminations
Understanding Back-to-Back Employment