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Understanding Oracle Database Architecture 

·       Understanding Oracle Database Instance Configurations

·       Understanding Oracle Database Memory and Process Structures

·       Understanding Logical and Physical Database Structures

·       Understanding Oracle Database Server Architecture


Managing Database Instances

·       Starting Up Oracle Database Instances

·       Using Data Dictionary Views

·       Shutting Down Oracle Database Instances

·       Using Dynamic Performance Views

·       Using the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)

·       Using the Alert Log and Trace Files

·       Managing Initialization Parameter Files


Managing Users, Roles and Privileges

·       Assigning Quotas to Users

·       Applying the Principal of Least Privilege

·       Creating and Assigning Profiles

·       Administering User Authentication Methods

·       Managing Oracle Database Users, Privileges, and Roles


Managing Storage - Oracle Database

·       Managing Resumable Space Allocation

·       Shrinking Segments

·       Deferring Segment Creation

·       Using Space-Saving Features

·       Deploying Oracle Database Space Management Features

·       Managing Different Types of Segments

·       Using Table and Row Compression

·       Understanding Block Space Management


Moving Data

·       Using External Tables

·       Using Oracle Data Pump

·       Using SQL*Loader


Accessing an Oracle Database with Oracle supplied Tools

·       Using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

·       Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

·       Using racle enterprise Manager Database Express

·       Using SQL Developer

·       Using SQL Plus


Configuring Oracle Net Services

·       Using Oracle Net Services Administration Tools

·       Configuring Communication Between Database Instances

·       Configuring the Oracle Net Listener

·       Connecting to an Oracle Database Instance

·       Comparing Dedicated and Shared Server Configurations

·       Administering Naming Methods


Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

·       Viewing Tablespace Information

·       Creating, Altering and Dropping Tablespaces

·       Managing Table Data Storage

·       Implementing Oracle Managed Files

·       Moving and Renaming Online Data Files


Managing Undo

·       Understanding Transactions and Undo Data

·       Storing Undo Information

·       Configuring Undo Rentention

·       Comparing Undo Data and Redo Data

·       Understanding Temporary Undo


Restricting and Sorting Data

·       Applying Rules of precedence for operators in an expression

·       Limiting Rows Returned in a SQL Statement

·       Using Substitution Variables

·       Using the DEFINE and VERIFY commands


Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions 

·       Applying the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data

·       Understanding implicit and explicit data type conversion

·       Using the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions

·       Nesting multiple functions


Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins

·       Using Self-joins

·       Using Various Types of Joins

·       Using Non equijoins

·       Using OUTER joins


Using SET Operators

·       Matching the SELECT statements

·       Using the ORDER BY clause in set operations

·       Using The INTERSECT operator

·       Using The MINUS operator

·       Using The UNION and UNION ALL operators


Understanding Data Definition Language

·       Using Data Definition Language


Managing Views

·       Managing Views


Managing Data in Different Time Zones


·       Working with INTERVAL data types


Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement

·       Using Column aliases

·       Using The DESCRIBE command

·       Using The SQL SELECT statement

·       Using concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword

·       Using Arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statement


Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

·       Manipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECT and WHERE clauses

·       Performing arithmetic with date data

·       Manipulating numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC and MOD functions

·       Manipulating dates with the date function


Reporting Aggregated Data Using Group Functions

·       Restricting Group Results

·       Creating Groups of Data

·       Using Group Functions

Using Subqueries to Solve Queries

·       Using Single Row Subqueries

·       Using Multiple Row Subqueries


Managing Tables using DML statements

·       Managing Database Transactions

·       Using Data Manipulation Language

·       Controlling transactions


Managing Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes

·       Managing Indexes

·       Managing Synonyms

·       Managing Sequences


Managing Schema Objects

·       Creating and using temporary tables

·       Managing constraints