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Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Core Functionality

·       Explain and configure the Domain (grants, settings, copy) 

·       Explain Master Data objects (Locations, Service Providers, Rates, Equipment and Items)

·       Explain Order Management objects and process

·       Explain Virtual Private Database (VPD) concepts

·       Explain OTM Reporting options

·       Explain Fleet Management objects and process


OTM User Interface Configuration 

·       Explain the primary components of the User Interface (UI)  

·       Configure Users, User Roles, and Preferences

·       Configure Manage User Access

·       Configure Saved Queries and Business Monitors


Freight Payment

·       Explain the Freight Payment related objects and process

·       Configure Matching, Approval, and Allocation Rules

·       Configure a Service Provider and a User for freight payment

·       Create Invoices from Shipments (Manual and Automated)

·       Adjust Shipment Costs and Invoice Amounts

·       Configure the Match Pay and Auto Pay process for a Carrier

·       Execute the Freight Payment Match Pay and Auto Pay process 


Data Management 

·       Explain Data Management capabilities

·       Explain the OTM Table Structures and Data Management tools (Data Dictionary, Data Model)

·       Execute a CSV Export and Import File and validate the results

·       Configure a Migration Project


Agents and Workflow 

·       Explain WorkFlow Agents and Milestones

·       Configure Automation Agents 

·       Execute Automation Agents


Order Management and Shipment Planning

·       Configure Key Shipment Planning Objects

·       Manage Key Rate Planning Objects

·       Configure Planning Parameters and Shipment Groups


Global Trade Management (GTM)

·       Configure Key GTM Screening Objects

·       Manage GTM Screening and Compliance

·       Build GTM User Interface Components


Logistics Network Modeling

·       Explain Template Import for Lane, Rate Offering & Rate Record

·       Configure Sourcing/Proposed Rates in Modeling Scenarios


Trade Agreements

·       Manage Trade Agreements